A sustainable future with Arturo Floors Step by step. Floor by Floor

Arturo is taking a step towards a more sustainable future as a brand of UZIN UTZ. The slogan “Floors for change” represents this movement and Arturo will continue to supply resin floors with beautiful designs and colours inspired by nature.  Arturo floors can help initiate change and transform spaces, providing tranquillity, creating energy, or offering safety.

But on the other hand, the environment is also changing and sustainability remains one of Arturo’s key focuses. Therefore, Arturo shares its vision, values, and steps taken to integrate sustainability into every aspect of the company.  This will reduce Arturo’s environmental impact and contribute to a greener future for forthcoming generations.

In the coming years, Arturo will take you on this journey and keep you informed about the steps being taken. We will involve you in new, sustainable product developments and update you on changing laws and regulations.

Arturo doesn't embark on this journey towards a greener future alone. By working together, Arturo and our customers can positively impact the environment and keep the Earth liveable for future generations.

Step by step. Floor by floor.

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Arturo Products by 5% in 2025

This transition calls for an appropriate objective. Arturo aims to reduce the environmental impact of its products by 5% by the end of 2025. To achieve this goal, steps are being taken. These steps include sustainable products, packaging, emission reduction and energy, paper, and water conservation. This will significantly impact Arturo’s production processes, logistics chain, product development, and waste streams.

Recycling and replacing plastic packaging are essential to reduce pollution and the use of fossil fuels. This helps protect ecosystems such as rivers and forests. Using recycled plastic buckets and bottles reduces Arturo’s CO2 emissions by at least 300 tons annually. The next step is exploring the possibility of transitioning to sustainable lids and product labels.

Paper savings help preserve natural resources, reduce waste streams, and save energy. Arturo strives to minimise paper usage within the production processes and minimise print materials.

UZIN UTZ has set a target to reduce its CO2 emissions by 25% in 2025 compared to 2019. For instance, the Arturo factory has no gas connections, and Arturo products are produced carbon-neutrally.  Arturo uses green electricity and has implemented energy-efficient practices in the production processes. Additionally, starting in 2023, all new lease vehicles in Arturo’s fleet will be electric as standard.

A target of 100% reduction in our wastewater by implementing reuse strategies and utilising a greywater system. The factory roof collects 4700m³ of rainwater annually, of which 450m³ is used for toilet flushing. This saves an average of 20 litres of water per person daily and any unused rainwater is stored for future use.

In collaboration with Arturo suppliers, the backing paper from product labels will be collected and recycled by the supplier. By collecting 480 kilograms of backing paper, Arturo will save 18,000 litres of water and reduce CO2 emissions by 912 kilograms.

A sustainable future with Arturo floors

We have created a handy handout where you can easily show your clients what our concrete goals are on sustainability. You will also find some of the milestones we have already achieved.

Of course, we don't stop here. We will continue and because of this this handout will continue to evolve in the coming years. Every step we take brings us closer to our goals.

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The Green Factory The Headquarters of Arturo

Welcome to the Green Factory of UZIN UTZ Netherlands! This green factory serves as the headquarters of the Arturo brand and plays a significant role in Arturo’s vision, values, and steps towards sustainability.

For instance, the factory does not have a gas connection and features a sedum roof. Please refer to the following page to learn more about what this entails and other interesting facts about the Green Factory.

The Green Factory 


Over three years of research, intensive collaboration, and product development have led Arturo to receive the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver for the Arturo PU2030 Self-smoothing floor on April 7, 2021. This is an exceptional achievement, representing a significant step towards making a circular product.

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Arturo Ultimat The low-emission, durable sealer

Arturo’s R&D department has successfully developed a beautiful matt yet exceptionally durable sealer. Using sustainable raw materials, Arturo Ultimat has minimal emissions and contributes to a healthy indoor climate.

When combined with Arturo Concreta, a  cement-based and PU flooring system, the sealer has been tested according to the stringent AgBB and EMICODE EC1 Plus guidelines. Perfect for you and your customers!

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Installation systems for screeds, floors and wood flooring

Machinery and special tools for substrate preparation and installation of floor coverings

Complete product range for installation, renovation and maintenance of wood flooring

Resin and cementitious floor finishes combining performance and design

Installation systems for tiling and natural stone

High quality painting, plastering and drywalling tools